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What are the three false arguments that science denial generally uses?

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Laura NeserOCT 8, 2024, 9:24:04 AM

The three false arguments include arguing the science is not settled, attacking researchers’ character, and demanding equal coverage.

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Matthew TemponeSEP 8, 2024, 8:03:49 PM

They teach evolution in school, linking smoking to cancer, and linking climate change to human activity.

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    Reese MamajekSEP 8, 2024, 4:25:04 PM

    Undermining Credibility, Cherry-Picking Evidence, and Conspiracy Theories

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      Turner McCoySEP 8, 2024, 2:22:49 PM

      The first one tries to undermine the credibility of scientific conclusion by claiming the research methods are flawed or the theory is not universally accepted. The second is that researchers are not objective and motivated by an ideology or economic agenda. The third is to demand a balanced view, equal time in media coverage and educational curricula to agender the false illusion of two equally valid arguments.

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        How did the tobacco industry use rhetorical arguments to deny a connection between tobacco usage and cancer?

        Select one of the following options:
        • A.

          By demanding equal time in media coverage

        • B.

          By claiming the research methods were flawed

        • C.

          By creating doubt about the science

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