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Lesson: Hardware 1: Introduction (~45-minutes)
Lesson: Hardware 1: Introduction (~45-minutes)
Computer Basics: Inside a Computer
By Dianne K Patterson and Salma Douidar at the University of Arizona
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Computing_Architecture 1: Components
By Dianne K Patterson at the University of Arizona
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Computing_Architecture 2: Motherboard
By Dianne K Patterson at the University of Arizona
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Computing_Architecture 3: Bus and Traces
By Dianne K Patterson at the University of Arizona
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Computing_Architecture 4: I/O
By Dianne K Patterson at the University of Arizona
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Computing_Architecture 5: Thought Experiment
By Dianne K Patterson at the University of Arizona
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Computing_Architecture 6: Bottleneck
By Dianne K Patterson at the University of Arizona
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Computing_Architecture 7: Cache
By Dianne K Patterson at the University of Arizona
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Computing_Architecture 8: Overview
By Dianne K Patterson at the University of Arizona
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Tour of MRI Research Scans (~40 min)