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2.2 Booleans - Lesson

2.2 Booleans - Lesson

As mentioned earlier in this unit, states or conditions are incredibly important for dictating the flow of Python programs.

A choose-your-own adventure book may tell a reader, "go to page 53 if you want to hitchhike to Los Angeles or go to page 27 if you want to pay for a bus ticket to Los Angeles". In Python, we can express similar logic, such as "execute this block of code if a certain condition is met, otherwise execute this other block of code." Some more specific examples:

  • "If the promo code is valid, add a 20% discount for the shopper. Otherwise, charge them full price."
  • "If the user is not logged in, show a login button. Otherwise, show a logout button."
  • "If a student is struggling with a concept in OpenClass, show them easier questions. Otherwise, move them on with the assignment."

The above are all examples of if statements, which we will cover in more detail in the next lesson. But before understanding if statements, we must understand the conditional statements that go into them.

Let's break it down

Consider the following statement: "If a number is odd, print it. Otherwise, add 1 to it." This is valid logic that could go into a Python program. But let's break this problem down even further.

The first thing that we want to know is, "is the number odd?" This question can have one of two possible answers: "yes" or "no".

And that's what a boolean value is. A boolean can hold a value of True or False. We can then use these booleans to help dictate the flow of our programs.

Note: Proper capitalization is important for keywords in Python! True and False are boolean values, whereas true and false have no special significance in Python.

What do booleans look like?

The keywords True and False are used to represent boolean values in Python. As an example:

</div> language-'></div>">`a_var` now holds the value `True`. However, we probably do not want to always hard code our boolean values in as variables, since the entire point of conditionals is to make our code dynamic based on different states of a program. That is, rather than `a_var = True`, we will probably want to use some other type of expression that will return `True` or `False`. We can use comparison operators, like so: <div class='oc-markdown-activatable oc-markdown-custom-container' data-value='```python3 a = 15 b = 20 c = a > b print(c) # this prints False '>

c is False because 15 is NOT greater than 20. 15 > 20 evaluates as False!

The other comparison operators in Python include the following:

Operator Meaning
a == b Are a and b equal?
a != b Are a and b NOT equal?
a > b Is a greater than b?
a < b Is a less than b?
a >= b Is a greater than or equal to b?
a <= b Is a less than or equal to b?

Logical operators

Now that we're able to set boolean variables as True or False via comparison operators, we can now get fancier with them via logical operators. For instance, what if we want to know if a number is both odd AND greater than 100? We can combine two conditional statements via the and operator, such as:

</div> language-'></div>">Similarly, if we want to know if a number is divisible by 2 OR 3, we can use the `or` operator: <div class='oc-markdown-activatable oc-markdown-custom-container' data-value='```python3 num = 9 num_is_divisible_by_2 = num % 2 == 0 # False (9 is not divisible by 2) num_is_divisible_by_3 = num % 3 == 0 # True (9 IS divisible by 3) num_is_divisible_by_2_or_3 = num_is_divisible_by_2 or num_is_divisible_by_3 print(num_is_divisible_by_2_or_3) # prints True, since the or operator returns Rrue if one or both sides of the operation are True


Lastly, we can flip-flop True to False and False to True via the unary not operator. (Unary means this operator performs its operation on just one conditional statement. Conversely, and and or have a left side and a right side operation, and are thus, binary operators.)

Here's an example:

Let's try some examples

Consider the following code. Predict what each of the print statements will output.

Answers: a. True, b. False, c. False, d. False, e. True, f. True

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