Unit 3 Review - Sensation and Perception

This review will guide you through an adaptive, research-backed study session. As you answer questions, we will actively assess your current understanding of the material. Questions will continue to be drawn until you have demonstrated mastery of each learning objective.

Reviews are graded based on completion. You will receive full credit for achieving 100% mastery or answering all questions.

Learning objectives for this review:

  • Explore how sensations are organized and integrated, focusing on Gestalt principles, depth perception, and processing approaches. Examine sensory transduction and acknowledge key researchers like Gustav Fechner and Torsten Wiesel.
  • Discuss how experience and culture shape perception through perceptual sets, context effects, and schemas, and analyze the role of attention in behavioral perception.
  • Describe the vision process, highlighting energy transduction, anatomical structures, brain pathways, and key concepts like color vision and common sensory conditions.
  • Explain the role of top-down processing in producing vulnerability to illusion.
  • Describe the hearing process, detailing energy transduction, the relevant anatomical structures, and specialized brain pathways involved in auditory sensation and perception.
  • Describe the processes of taste and smell, focusing on energy transduction, key anatomical structures, and specialized brain pathways. Analyze how these senses function and interact within the sensory system.
  • Describe the sensory processes for touch, pain, vestibular sense, and kinesthesis, emphasizing energy transduction, critical anatomical structures, and specialized brain pathways involved in each.