Unit 3 Review - Populations
This review will guide you through an adaptive, research-backed study session. As you answer questions, we will actively assess your current understanding of the material. Questions will continue to be drawn until you have demonstrated mastery of each learning objective.
Reviews are graded based on completion. You will receive full credit for achieving 100% mastery or answering all questions.
Learning objectives for this review:
- Identify the differences between generalist and specialist species and explain how their adaptations affect their survival.
- Define r-selected and K-selected species and compare their reproductive strategies.
- Describe the three types of survivorship curves and explain what each type indicates about species survival.
- Explain the concept of carrying capacity and discuss factors that affect it in an ecosystem.
- Analyze how changes in resource availability can impact population growth.
- Use age structure diagrams to predict trends in population growth and discuss their implications.
- Define total fertility rate and be able to calculate and interpret the total fertility rate for populations.
- Examine the factors that influence changes in human population sizes.
- Outline the stages of demographic transition and assess the challenges faced by countries at each stage.