Unit 5: Writing Classes - Review Assignment

This review will guide you through an adaptive, research-backed study session. As you answer questions, we will actively assess your current understanding of the material. Questions will continue to be drawn until you have demonstrated mastery of each learning objective.

Reviews are graded based on completion. You will receive full credit for achieving 100% mastery or answering all questions.

Learning objectives for this review:

  • Understand the structure and components of a class in Java, including fields, constructors, and methods
  • Demonstrate proficiency in writing constructors in Java to initialize object state and perform necessary setup tasks when creating instances of a class
  • Utilize comments effectively to document classes, constructors, methods, and fields in Java, following best practices for code readability and maintainability
  • Develop the ability to write accessor methods (getters) to retrieve the values of private fields within a class in Java, promoting encapsulation and data hiding
  • Develop the ability to write mutator methods (setters) to modify the values of private fields within a class in Java, ensuring controlled access to the object's state
  • Write instance methods to encapsulate behavior within a class in Java, enabling objects to perform specific tasks and interact with their data
  • Understand the concept of static variables and methods within a class, and demonstrate proficiency in declaring and using them for tasks that are shared across all instances of the class
  • Understand the scope and access modifiers (public, private, protected) in Java, and apply them appropriately to fields, methods, and constructors to control access to class members
  • Understand the purpose and usage of the 'this' keyword in Java, and demonstrate proficiency in using it to refer to the current object instance within class methods and constructors
  • Explore and discuss the ethical and social implications of computing systems, including considerations related to privacy, security, accessibility, and the impact of technology on society