Unit 2: Using Objects - Review Assignment
This review will guide you through an adaptive, research-backed study session. As you answer questions, we will actively assess your current understanding of the material. Questions will continue to be drawn until you have demonstrated mastery of each learning objective.
Reviews are graded based on completion. You will receive full credit for achieving 100% mastery or answering all questions.
Learning objectives for this review:
- Understand the concept of objects as instances of classes and their role in object-oriented programming in Java
- Demonstrate the ability to create objects using the 'new' keyword and store them in variables of appropriate types in Java
- Execute and understand the purpose of void methods, including how to call them and their effects on program execution in Java
- Apply the concept of passing parameters to void methods and execute such methods with appropriate arguments to achieve desired outcomes in Java
- Demonstrate the ability to call non-void methods in Java and understand how to handle their return values for further use in the program
- Utilize string literals and concatenation operators to manipulate and concatenate string objects in Java
- Identify and apply common string methods, such as length(), substring(), indexOf(), and equals(), to manipulate and extract information from string objects in Java
- Understand the concept of wrapper classes for primitive data types, specifically Integer and Double, and demonstrate proficiency in using them to convert between primitive data types and objects in Java
- Utilize methods provided by the Math class to perform common mathematical operations, such as rounding, exponentiation, trigonometric functions, and finding maximum and minimum values in Java